
Welcome to Master Neural Networks: Build with JavaScript and React. This comprehensive course is designed for anyone looking to understand and build neural networks from the ground up using JavaScript and React.

What You'll Learn:

  1. Introduction to Neural Networks

    • Understand the basics of perceptrons and their similarities to biological neurons.

    • Learn how perceptrons work at a fundamental level.

  2. Building a Simple Perceptron

    • Code a perceptron to classify simple objects (e.g., pencils vs. erasers) using hardcoded data.

    • Implement a basic perceptron from scratch and train it with sample inputs and outputs.

    • Draw graphs and explain the steps needed, including defining weighted sums and activation functions.

  3. Perceptron for Number Recognition

    • Advance to coding a perceptron for number recognition using the MNIST dataset to identify if a number is 0 or not.

    • Train the perceptron using the MNIST dataset, optimizing weights and biases.

    • Learn techniques to calculate accuracy and handle misclassified data.

    • Save and export the trained model for use in web applications.

  4. Parsing and Preprocessing MNIST Data

    • Learn to parse and preprocess MNIST data yourself.

    • Understand the file formats and the steps needed to convert image data into a usable format for training.

  5. Building a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)

    • Develop a more complex MLP to recognize digits from 0 to 9.

    • Implement training algorithms and understand backpropagation.

    • Explore various activation functions like ReLU and Softmax.

  6. Practical Implementation with JavaScript and React

    • Integrate neural networks into web applications using JavaScript, React, and Node.js.

    • Build and deploy full-stack applications featuring neural network capabilities.

    • Create a React application to test and visualize your models, including drawing on a canvas and making predictions.

  7. Integrate TensorFlow library

    1. Learn to use TensorFlow

    2. Code Neural network to recognize numbers from 0-9

Course Features:

  • Step-by-step coding tutorials with detailed explanations.

  • Hands-on projects to solidify your understanding.

  • Graphical visualization of neural network decision boundaries.

  • Techniques to save and export trained models for real-world applications.

  • Comprehensive coverage from basic perceptrons to multi-layer perceptrons.


  • Basic knowledge of any programming language

Course curriculum

  • 2

    Neuron vs Perceptron

  • 3

    Classify objects

    • Define data

    • Define data in code

    • Weighted sum

    • Change the weight

    • Update weights

    • Compute sums in code

    • Update weights for all inputs

    • Update weights in code

    • Measure accuracy

    • Testing data

    • Init weights randomly

    • Measure acuracy each epoch

  • 4

    Mnist Dataset

  • 5

    Frontend in React

    • Init react app

    • Init home and navigation

    • Basic router

    • Finish Routing

    • Load mnist data

    • Batch the data

    • Display all labels

    • Display images

  • 6

    Real data training

    • Save training data

    • Process labels and inputs

    • Train the perceptron

    • Testing accuracy

    • Show misclassified data

    • Export model

  • 7

    Prediction on Frontend

  • 8

    Improving the model

    • Adjust pixel values

    • Experimenting with training

    • Get misclassified data ready

    • Send data to server

    • Store misclassified data

    • Simple perceptron wrap up

  • 9

    Neuron Networks - Forward Propagation

    • Mlp introduction

    • Mlp Finish Network

    • Forward pass hidden activations

    • Mlp data in code

    • Compute hidden sum in code

    • Compute hidden activations in code

    • Hidden to output sums math and code

    • Softmax explanation and math

    • Additional Info

    • More explanation - recap

    • Compute output probabilities

  • 10

    Neuron Networks - Backward Propagation

    • Code cleanup

    • Calculate output deltas

    • Delta hidden neuron 1

    • Delta hidden neuron 2

    • Hidden deltas in code

    • Gradient of loss math

    • Update hidden output weights math

    • Update hidden output weights in code

    • Weights input hidden math

    • Weights input hidden code

  • 11

    Neural Networks - Model Training

    • More training data

    • Init weghts randomly

    • Loss function

    • Measure accuracy of NN

  • 12

    Neural Networks - Mnist Dataset

    • Generate mlp data

    • Load mlp data

    • Encode labels

    • Train the mlp model

    • Improve logging

    • Save mlp model

    • Improving mlp model

  • 13

    Neural Networks - Frontend

    • Prepare mlp fronted page

    • Make predictions on FE

    • Data labeling

    • Retraining mlp

  • 14

    TensorFlow Model

    • Tensor - Load data

    • Transform data into tensors

    • Tensor - model

    • Train tensor model

    • Tensor improvements

    • Tensor FE page

    • Prediction with tensor flow on FE

  • 15

    Final Adjustments

    • Syling improvements part 1

    • Syling improvements part 2

    • Modal

    • Course wrapup


Software Engineer

Filip Jerga

My name is Filip Jerga and I am an experienced software engineer and freelance developer. I have a Master's degree in Artificial Intelligence and several years of experience working on a wide range of technologies and projects from C++ development for ultrasound devices to modern mobile and web applications in React and Angular. Throughout my career, I have acquired advanced technical knowledge and the ability to explain programming topics clearly and in detail to a broad audience. I invite you to take my course, where I have put a lot of effort to explain web and software engineering concepts in a detailed, hands-on and understandable way.


  • How to get help when I am stuck with the course?

    Every video contains a discussion where you can create a post describing an issue. The instructor usually responds within 1 business day.

  • What to do when I am unhappy with the course ?

    Within 30 days of the purchase, you can ask for a full refund. No questions asked. Your happiness is our priority.

  • Do I need to watch every lecture of really extensive course?

    Of course not! Every lecture is committed (explained in the introduction section). You can start watching at any lecture. Just download the correct version of the project attached to lecture resources.

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